Live your life, mamas!

The first time we did a serious trip with Brooklyn, it was rough (think: being forced to dump out pumped breast milk by TSA). Through that experience, I learned just a few things about traveling with a new baby: don’t wear white, always bring a change of clothes for baby and mama, and make the trip with family if you can. But the more important lesson was to just take the risk. Even though it might seem easier to stay home, getting out there and living life with your baby and family is worth it, despite the challenges, for their well-being and yours.

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Give them the best

Research shows that even pumping and freezing can have damaging effects on your breast milk, changing its composition and fat content. In my experience, freezing my breast milk actually changed its taste, and Brooklyn didn’t like it as much!

In addition, there are many documented benefits of using breast milk over formula, from its nutritional profile to how well those nutrients are absorbed by your growing baby. For those who breastfeed or pump, Bébé Bru provides a shelf-stable and convenient way to feed your baby YOUR breast milk in single-serve packets.

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